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In Grid-You promised me

You promised me / In Grid|……… 샹송팝클래식

탁상시계 | 조회 6 |추천 0 |2011.12.15. 22:38 http://cafe.daum.net/vnfdlv567/HlQs/3339 


*You promised me / In Grid*
You promised me                            
   Just me and you                                 
 You promised me the moon           
and the sun,                                    
  the birds and the sky                       
           You promised me a wonderful life          
  they were underlast                        
You promised me all time               
 that I never kept                              
        You promised me where the                 
      roses are gold but soon I forgot        
You promised me                           
Just me and you                             
You promised me I could               
        be your queen and you be my king      
 You promised me a white              
 wedding dress where is the ring   
You promised me your time           
 of caress your kisses of life             
So try to show it possible things  
  cause Im wasting my time              
     You promised me  Just me and you  
  Tu est foutu  Tu tu tu tu tu tu         
       I don't know what to do with my life  
               But I know my rule isn't a second chance  
You promised me ~    ~                  
Tu est foutu  Tu tu tu tu tu tu        

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