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연주음악( Newage* )

only Our Rivers Run Free / James Last

 Laurent Vialet, Saint Mammes
Saint Mammes / Laurent Vialet / Oil on Canvas


 * only Our Rivers Run Free / James Last *


이 곡은 Irish musician 이며 song writer 인                                        
      Mickey MacConnell (born 1947 in Bellanaleck, Northern Ireland) 이
1965년 내 놓은 것으로, Irish ballad singer Christy Moore 에 의해서
더욱 유명해졌답니다.                                                                              
그 내용은 북 Ireland 의 독립에 관한 애국심의 고취라 할 수있는데.        
 즉시 Ireland 전역에서 hit 하면서, 그 계기로                                           
그는 더욱 작곡에 열정을 쏟게 되었다지요.                                               
음악 가정의 막내로 소싯적부터 노래를 지었다는 그는                             
Dublin 의 출판사와 The Irish Times 에서 일한 경력도 있답니다.         
 그의 노래들은 국제적으로 취입되었는데                                                   
Christy Moore, The Worfe Tones, Mary Black 등의 artist 들과...  
더 많은 곡이 The James Last Orchestra 가 연주한 것이라합니다.     
Only Our Rivers Run Free                                                                 
 / Mickey MacConnell                                                                                


When apples still grow in November,                                              
When Blossoms still bloom from each tree,                                    


When leaves are still green in December,                                      
It's then that our land will be free,                                                  
I wander her hills and her valleys,                                                   


And still through my sorrow I see,                                                   
A land that has never known freedom,                                           
            And only her rivers run free                                                                          


I drink to the death of her manhood,                                              
Those men who'd rather have died,                                                
 Than to live in the cold chains of bondage,                                       


To bring back their rights were denied,                                          
Oh where are you now when we need you,                                  


What burns where the flame used to be,                                      
Are ye gone like the snows of last winter,                                    
And will only our rivers run free?                                                   
 How sweet is life but we're crying,                                                 
How mellow the wine but it's dry,                                                  
How fragrant the rose but it's dying,                                             


How gentle the breeze but it sighs,                                                
What good is in youth when it's aging,                                           
What joy is in eyes that can't see,                                                   


When there's sorrow in sunshine and flowers,                            
And still only our rivers run free                                                      



* 우리의 강만은 유유히 흐르네 *                                                                                 


                        사과가 익어갈 11월일지,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
                               수목마다 꽃들이 만발할 때일지                                                                                              


                            나뭇잎이 무성한 12월일지,                                                                                                


                       그 어느 때고 우리 땅은 독립이 되겠지.                                                                          
             언덕을 오르고 계곡을 헤매는 이 가슴엔,                                                              
                     슬픔만이 차 오르고,                                                                                                     


                              자유가 없는 이땅에도                                                                                                           
                 우리의 강만은 유유히 흐르네.                                                                                  
          이 땅의 젊은이들의 죽음을 애도하며 마시는 한잔,                                             
                  그들은 속박의 차거운 사슬에서 살기보다                                                                   
                 차라리 죽기를 원한 것이었지.                                                                                  


                  빼앗긴 권리를 되찾으려                                                                                             
                 그대들이 나서야할 이때에                                                                                         
                                    다들 어디 있느뇨?                                                                                                    


           정열의 불길이 솟던 곳에 이젠 무엇이 타는가.                                                     
            지난 겨울의 눈 처럼 다 녹아 없어졌단 말인가.                                                     
              그래서 우리의 강만 유유히 흐르라고?                                                                    
                   그렇게 즐거워야할 우리네 삶도  서글픔뿐이고,                                                    
                           달콤한 포도주 맛도 쓰기만 할 뿐,                                                                             
                           향기로운 저 장미도 시들어가고,                                                                               


                            살랑대는 미풍도 한숨일 뿐이네.                                                                               
                            사그라지매  젊음이 무에 좋으며,                                                                              
                        볼 수 없으매 눈으로 즐길 것이 무엇이리.                                                                


                        햇살에도 꽃잎에도 서린 것은 슬픔인데,                                                                  
                         그래도 우리의 저 강만은 유유히 흐르네.                                                                  
-        譯 / 睡蓮-                                                                                                                                                                       




Only Our Rivers Run Free / James Last                   