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Wilson Pickett-Funky Broadway





Every town I go in                       
There's a street, uh, huh           
  Name of the street, uh, huh        
Funky funky Broadway               

Down on Broadway, huh            
   There's a nightclub, now, now      
  Name of the nightclub, now baby
Funky Funky Broadway               

Down on Broadway                     
 There's a crowd, now, huh          
Name of the crowd, baby          
Broadway crowd                         

Down on Broadway, yeah          
There's a dancestep, huh          
Name of the dance,                    
  Funky Funky Broadway, hey! huh

Wiggle your legs now, baby       
Shake your head, ooh, huh        
       Do the shing-a-ling now baby, now
Shake, shake, shake now          
 You don't know, huh, baby, now
          You don't know, now woman, owww!
Doin' the funky Broadway, hey! 
Lord have mercy                           

Oh, you got me feelin' alright      

Dirty filthy Broadway                   
Don't I like the Broadway, huh   
That Broadway, lookit here         

Down on Broadway                     

There's a woman                          
Name of the woman, huh           
Broadway woman, hey!             

Down on Broadway, yeah          
  There's a man, huh                        
Name of the man...                      






                                           미국 앨라배마주 출신의 Soul 개척자로 잘 알려진 "Wilson Pickett"이

                                  2006년 1월19일 심장마비로 운명하였다는 소식을 듣고 인생무상을 느꼈습니니다. 

                                          겨우 64세의 나이로 말입니다. 그의 노래는 7080세대에게 짙은 향수를 느끼게 해줬죠.   

                                로큰롤 명예의전당 회원이기도 한"Wilson Pickett" 은 57세이던 1999년에도  앨범,  

                                     'It's Harder Now'로 Grammy 후보에 오르는 등 40여년간 Soul 의 영역을 넓히는     

            개척자로 활동했으며 'Funky Broadway','Land of 1000 Dances',    

                             'In the Midnight Hour', 'Mustang Sally' 등                                                         

여러 Hit 곡을 남겼습니다.                                                          

                                            앨라배마 프래트빌에서 11남매의 막내로 태어나 어린 시절을 불우하게 보낸 피켓은        

                           성가대에서 활동하며 재능을 키웠으며 특유의 거친 목소리로 많은 팬들로부터        







Hey Jude
A Man and A Half

In the Midnight Hour
Sugar Sugar