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007 Goldfinger




03_ 007 골드핑거 Goldfinger (1964)



Shirley Bassey - Goldfinger




              Goldfinger, he's the man, the man with the Midas touch
   A spider's touch                                                          
          Such a cold finger beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in                                                          

 Golden words he will pour in your ear                   
But his lies can't disguise what you fear              
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her    
It's the kiss of death from Mister                          

     Goldfinger, pretty girl, beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold                                                      

Golden words he will pour in your ear                 
But his lies can't disguise what you fear              
 For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her     
It's the kiss of death from Mister                          

     Goldfinger, pretty girl, beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold                                                      
He loves only gold, only gold                                 
He loves gold                                                          
He loves only gold, only gold                                
 He loves gold!                                                          





본드 숀 코네리. 본드걸 허노어 블랙맨                         

주제곡 Shirley Bassey 'Goldfinger'                         





골드핑거는 이언 플레밍이 쓴 007 씨리즈 중에서          

      가장 분량이 긴 작품이라고 한다.                                        


 그리고 영화 007                                                           
          씨리즈 중에서 가장 원작에 충실한 작품이 골드핑거라고 한다.


     이 작품은 본격적인 007 영화의 스타일이 시작된 작품으로

전작 위기일발이 엄청난 성공을 거두자 제작자들은       


앞의 두 편을 만들고도 남을 제작비를 투자해서             

  어마어마한 규모의 액션물을 완성시켰다                         






원문출처 : moon뭉치[惠鬱]