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Mary Fahl -The Dawning of the day

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The Dawning of the day




This morning early I walked on                             
while my darling was in a dream                          
The last sweet days of summer bloomed            
and dressed the trees in green                            

Then soaring high in the gleaming sky                 
from far across the bay                                        
came a fearsome roar from a distant shore      
at the dawning of the day                                    

Then I called my men to follow me                      
knowing well that the view was dim                   
     Though tired and worn, how they fought all morn'
as time was closing in                                             

And my heart was sad though sore with pride  
for brave lads all were they                                 
As the angels fly, how they climbed so high       
on the dawning of the day                                    







- Mary Fahl -         



이른아침에 길을걸으며                      


가사랑하는이와 나는 꿈을꾼다        

  달콤햇던지난날은 여름날에 피어오르고


나무들은 푸른녹색으로 갈아입고       

푸른하늘은 높고도 높다 ...                 


                저멀리서 밀려오는 파도는 해안으로 들어올때쯤


새벽은온다 ...                                    







다소 몽환적이고 켈틱적인분위기가나는 메리 팔의 " 새벽이올때 "입니다
실제로 이곡을부른 Mary Fahl 은 고등학교를졸업하고                           
                   대학때 중세문학에심취해서 연극을했었는데 전공을 중세음악으로 진로를 바꾼것이다

58년생인그는 언뜻 아일랜드 태생같지만 출생은 미국에서 했다             
90년대 중반이후 몇장의밸범을발표하고 2003년까지 줄곧곡을내더니   
 지금은 좀 잠잠한상태같습니다                                                                

그의 곡들을 들어보면 지금흐르는곡과같은 분위기를 많이느낄수 있는데 
특히 2003년에발표한 앨범 " The Other Side of Time"에는               
                  지금흐르는 " dawning of the day"외에 동명타이틀곡인 "other side of time" 과

               영화 신의 영웅들(Gods and Generals)에서 Going Home 이삽입되기도했는데 
 어째튼 주옥같은 곡들이 많아서 욕심나는 앨범중에하나가아닐까 합니다  




Mary Fahl - Going Home (남북전쟁을 소재 ...)

- 자추 -