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Aaron McDaris"-"Philadelphia Lawyer

Philadelphia Lawyer



Way out in Reno, Nevada,                               
Where romance blooms and fades,               


A great Philadelphia lawyer                            
Was in love with a Hollywood maid.               

"Come, love, and we will wander                      
Down where the lights are bright.                 


I'll win you a divorce from your husband,   

And we can get married tonight."                 




Wild Bill was a gun-totin' cowboy,                 
Ten notches were carved in his gun.            


And all the boys around Reno                        
Left Wild Bill's maiden alone.                         


One night when he was returning                

(이하 생략 ~~)                                                      

- Aaron McDaris -                                                


@ 가자 펜실바니아로 나의애마야 ~~




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