Village People-Can't Stop The Music
Everyone you meet the children in the street are swaying
To the rhythm there's something moving in them.
There's no place to hide So why even try.
Can't you hear it coming you way it's here to stay
Music in our walk - Music when we talk.
It's really something magic to lose it would be tragic.
Can't you feel the sound
Moving through the ground music makes the world go around.
You can't stop the music nobody can stop the music.
Take the cold from the snow tell the trees "don't grow"
Tell the wind "don't blow" 'cause it's easier no!
You can't stop the music nobody can stop the music.
Take the spark from love make the rain fall up
Cause that's easier to do.
Moving with the wind.
Since the world began the beat is gona get cha'
The beat is gonna get cha'
Music for the blues
For young dancing shoes
There's music in the way that we kiss
You can't resist moving through the trees
Buzzing with the bees
The sound is getting loude the sound is getting louder.
Music when we play when we kneel to pray
There's music in the sound of the wind
You can't stop the music
Nobody can stop the music.
Take the heat from flame
Try not feeling pain
Though you try in vain
It's much easier no!
You can't stop the music
Nobody can stop the music.
Change the master plan
Take the hope from man
Cause that's easier to do.
On the radio on every TV show
For each and every reason
In each and every season.
Music when we love for the moon above
Music for the show of life that never ends.
Music on a plane music on a train
Sailing on the ocean music in the motion
Music in your car at your local bar
There's music when you look at a star.
You can stop the music nobody can stop the music.
Keep two lovers apart mend a broken heart
Catch a falling star that's much easier to do.
No! You can stop the music
Nobody can stop the music.
Tell the sun "Don't shine"
Stop old father time
'Cause that's easier to do.
You can stop the music nobody can stop the music.
Take the cold from the snow
Y.M.C.A Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man,
Pick youself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause
you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy
Young man, there's a place you can go
I said, young man
When you're short on your dough
You can stay there and I'm sure
You will find many ways to have a goodtime
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
They have everything
For young man to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
You can have a good meal
You can get yourself clean
There's no need to feel down
Pick yourself off the ground
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
They have everything
For young man to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
Young man, young man, Are you list'ning to me?
Young man, young man, What do you want to be?
Young man, areyou listening to me?
I said, young man What do you want to be?
I said, young man What do you want to be?
I said, young man You can make real your dreams
But you're got the know this one thing
No man does it all by himself I said, young man
Put your pride on the shelf
And just go there to the Y.M.C.A
I'm sure they can help you today
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
They have everything
For young man to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
Young man I was once in your shoes
I said, I was down And out and with the blues
I felt no man cared if I were alive
In The Navy
Where can you find pleasure, search the world for treasure,
learn science, technology?
Where can you begin to make your dreams all come true
on the land or on the sea?
Where can you learn to fly, play in sports or skindive,
study oceanography?
Sign up for the big band or sit in the grand stand
when your team and others meet.
In the Navy, yes, you can sail the seven seas.
In the Navy, yes, you can put your mind at ease.
In the Navy, come on now people, make a stand.
In the Navy, can't you see we need a hand.
In the Navy, come on, protect the motherland.
In the Navy, come on and join your fellow, man.
In the Navy, come on, people, and make a stand.
In the Navy, in the Navy.
They want you! They want you! They want you as a new recruit!
If you like adventure don't you wait to enter
the recruiting office fast.
Don't you hesitate, there is no need to wait;
they're signing up new seamen fast.
Maybe you are too young to join up today
but don't you worry 'bout the thing
for I'm sure there will be always the good Navy
protecting the land and sea.
In the Navy...
They want you! They want you! They want you as a new recruit!
They want you! They want you! They want you as a new recruit!
..But..but..but I'm afraid of water!
..hey..hey..look, men...
I get seasick even watching it on the TV!
They want You! - Oh my goodness!
They want you! - What am I gonna do in a submarine?
They want you! They want you!
In the Navy.
In the Navy... (fade out)
Macho Man
Body, wanna feel my body, body, baby, such a thrill, my body
Body, wanna touch my body, body, baby, it's too much, my body
Body, check it out, my body, body, baby, don't you doubt, my body
Body, talking about my body, body, baby, checking out my body
Listen here
Every man wants to be a macho man
To have the kind of body always in demand
Joggin' in the mornings, go man go
Work up to the hill's top, muscles grow
You can best believe me
He's a macho man
Glad he took you down with anyone you can
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Macho, macho man
I gotta be a macho man
Macho macho man
I gotta be a macho
Macho, macho man
I gotta be a macho man
Macho macho man
I gotta be a macho
Body, my body, body, wanna feel my body
Body, baby, body, body, come and thrill my body
Body, baby, body, body, love to funk, my body
Body, baby, body, body, it's so hot, my body
So hot, yeah my body
Everyman ought to be a macho, macho man
To live a life of freedom, machos make a stand
Have your own lifestyles and ideals
Access the strip of competence, that's the skill
You can best believe that he's a macho man
He's the special god son in anybody's land
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Macho, macho man
I gotta be a macho man
Macho macho man
I gotta be a macho
Macho, macho man
I gotta be a macho man
Macho macho man
I gotta be a macho
Macho, macho man
I gotta be a macho man
Macho macho man
I gotta be a macho
I gotta be a macho man
I gotta be a mucho mucho, macho macho man
I gotta be a macho
Village People
국내 팬들에게 'Y.M.C.A'로 잘 알려져 있는 빌리지 피플(Village People)은 70년대 후반 디스코 열풍을 타고
전세계적으로 센세이션을 일으키며 인기 그룹으로 성장한 전형적인 댄스그룹이다.
77년 작곡가 겸 프로듀서인 자크 모랄리(Jacques Morali)에 의해 발탁된 이들은 인디안 의상을 입고 클럽의
바람잡이로 일하던 고고 댄서(go-go dancer) 펠립 로즈(Felipe Rose), 알렉산더 브릴리(Alexander Briley),
랜디 존스(Randy Jones), 데이비드 호도(David Hodo), 글린 휴스(Glenn Hughes),
빅터 윌리스(Victor Willis) -나중에 레이 심슨(Ray Simpson)으로 교체된다 -로 구성되었다.
악기를 연주하지 않는 순수한 보컬로 이루어진 빌리지 피플은 작곡가 필 허트(Phil Hurtt)와 작사가 피터 화이트헤드
(Peter Whitehead)의 곡과 더불어 게이들에게 어필할만한 동성애의 대표적인 마쵸(macho)맨임을 표방하고 인디안,
카우보이, 경찰관, 건설 노동자, 군인, 사이클리스트 같은 미국을 대표하는 의상으로 그들의 이미지를 굳힌다.
77년 싱글 'San Francisco(You Got Me)'로 영국 차트, 'Macho Man'(78)으로 미국 차트에 진입한 이들은 이어
'Y.M.C.A', 'In the Navy'로 양 차트의 상위를 점했고, 계속되는 히트곡 'Go West'(79),
'Can't Stop the Music'(80) 등으로 인기 가도를 달리며 디스코 붐을 조성했다.
동명 타이틀의 뮤지컬 영화 [Can't Stop the Music]에 출연해 성공을 거두기도 하였지만,
미국 내에서 반디스코(anti-disco) 분위기가 팽배해짐에 따라 앨범 판매고가 저조해지고
롤링 스톤지를 비롯해 타임, 플레이보이, 플레이걸, 피플 등 미국 유수 잡지들의 표지를 장식하던 활동 영역도 줄어들었다.
기존 이미지를 탈피하기 위해 [Renaissance](81)를 통해 새로운 음악스타일을 선보이지만 그다지 좋은 반응을
얻지는 못한다.
그러나 빌리지 피플은 뛰어난 무대 연출로 전 세계를 누비며 라이브 앨범, 히트곡 편집앨범 등을 발표하며 꾸준히 활동했고, 97년 20주년 기념 공연 이후에는 [Village People Go North Down Under]라는 제목으로 호주 원주민들과 문화와
음악을 교류하는 다큐멘타리 성격의 뮤직비디오를 제작하기도 했다.
다양한 장르의 음악들이 범람하는 요즘 빌리지 피플의 디스코 사운드에 환호하며 몸을 내맡길 젊은이들은 많지 않지만,
요즘도 전세계 각종 운동경기장에서 울려 나오는 그들의 음악은 쉽게 잊혀지지 않을 것이다.
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