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Damien Rice- The Box , I Don't Want To Change You ,The Blowers Daughter


Damien rice - cannonball 오랫동안 듣고 있던 노래 하나 추천 합니다.









The Box






Don't give me
something to hold in my hand
Something else to believe in
Cause I'm over it

And your reasons for wanting to stay
Your reasons for wanting to change
My reasons for everything are dull to you

I have tried but I don't fit
into this box I'm living with
I could go wild
but you might lock me up

I have tried but I don't fit
into this box you call a gift
When I could be wild and free
but god forbid then you might envy me

So don't give me
love with an old book of rules
That kind of love's just for fools
And I'm over it

My reasons for walking away
My reasons for wanting to change
My reasons for everything are lost with you

I have tried but I don't fit
into this box I'm living with
I could go wild
but you might lock me up

I have tried but I don't fit
into this box you call a gift
When I could be wild and free
but god forbid then you might envy me

I have tried but I don't fit
into this box you call a gift
I could go wild
but you might lock me up

I have tried but I don't fit
into this box you call a gift
When I could be wild and free
but god forbid then you might envy me

I could be wild and free
Well god forbid then you might








I Don't Want To Change You




Wherever you are

Well, know that I adore you

No matter how far


Well, I can go before you
And if ever you need someone

Well, not that you need helping

But if ever you want someone

I know that I am willing


Oh, and I don't want to change you

I don't want to change you,


I don't want to change your mind

I just came across a manger


Out among the danger

Somewhere in a stranger's eye

Wherever you go

Well, I can always follow


I can feed this real slow

If it's a lot to swallow


And if you just want to be alone

Well, I can wait without waiting

If you want me to let this go

Well, I am more than willing


Oh, 'cause I don't want to change you

I don't want to change you,

I don't want to change your mind

I just came across a manger


Out among the danger

Somewhere in a stranger's eye

Oh, and I don't want to change you


I don't want to change you,

I don't want to change your mind

I just came across a manger


Out among the danger

Somewhere in a stranger's eye


I've never been with anyone

In the way I've been with you

But if love is not for fun,


Then it's doomed, 'cause

Water races,

Water races down the waterfall,


The water races,

Water races down the waterfall


And I don't want to change you

I don't want to change you,

I don't want to change your mind

I just came across a manger


Where there is no danger

Where love has eyes and is not blind











The Blowers Daughter



And so it is
그래 그것은 그래
Just like you said it would be
니가 말했던 것처럼 그것이 그럴꺼라는것과 같아



Life goes easy on me
인생은 내게는 쉬웠어

Most of the time
대부분의 타임들은 말야



And so it is
그리고 그것은 그래


The shorter story
아주 짧은 이야기야

No love, no glory
사랑도 없고, 영광도 없고



No hero in her sky
그녀의 하늘에는 영웅이 없어

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...


너에게서 눈을 뗄수가 없어
And so it is
그래 그것은 그래


Just like you said it should be
니가 말햇던 것처럼 반드시 그것은 그래야 하는것처럼
We'll both forget the breeze
우리 둘다 그 소문들을 (잔잔한 바람을) 잊을꺼야


Most of the time
대부분의 시간은
And so it is
그래 그것은 그래


The colder water
차가운 물


The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial
blower's daughter.denial 에 있는 어린 학생들

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you


I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
난 네게서 눈을 뗄수가 없어

Did I say that I loathe you?
내가 말햇었나 나 너 무지 싫어했엇다고?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?
내가 말했었나 나 정말 모든걸 뒤로 한체 떠나고 싶었엇다고

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you


I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...my mind...
'Til I find somebody new


너에게서 내 마음을 뗄수가 없어
내가 다른 새로운 사람을 찾을때 까지





[Damien Rice] 데미안 라이스 THE BOX (wild and free) (라이브/가사/해석)



Damien Rice




데미안 라이스는 아일랜드 Kildare 출신의 싱어 송 라이터이다.

그는 주니퍼라고 불리는 밴드의 멤버였었다.


 그들은 널리 알려진 앨범을 발매하지는 못했지만, 그들의 히트 싱글 'Weatherman'을 당신을 기억할 수 있을 것이다. 밴드의 나머지는 지금 Bell X1으로 남아있다.


    1999년 3월 데미안은 토스카니로 갔고, 그때에 유럽을 여행하면서 길거리 공연을 했다. 그가 1년후 더블린으로

 돌아왔을때 그의 머리는 깨끗해졌고 풍부한 아이디어들로 가득했다. 그는 새롭게 발견함 신선함으로 음악에 다가섰고, 몇몇 곡들을 녹음하기로 결심했다.


돈을 빌려 그는 데모를 만들고, 그것을 영화 제작자로 이미 유명한 David Arnold (뷰욕과 제임스 본드)에게 보냈다.

 Arnold는 데모를 듣고 그것을 좋아했고, 데미안을 위해 그가 자신의 모바일 스튜디오(이동식 홈레코딩이 가능한)를

살 수 있는 충분한 돈을 제공해주었다.

    데미안 라이스는 지금 리사 하니건과 함께 노래하고, 그의 솔로 데뷔앨범은 2002년 초 아일랜드에서 발매되었다.

2002년 7월 이 앨범, 'O'는 영국에서도 발매되었고, 비평적으로 널리 인정과 갈채를 받았다.


 2003년 6월 'O'는 미국과 유럽등지에 까지 발매되었는데 데미안의 레터맨쇼 출연과 함께 뉴스위크, 보스톤 글로브지에서 더큰 호평을 받았다.

데미안은 또한 토모(드럼, 퍼커션), 비비엔(첼로), 그리고 쉐인 (베이스)과도 함께 주한다.


     Damien Rice is a singer/songwriter from County Kildare, Ireland.

He used to be in a band called Juniper.

They never got around to releasing an album, but you might remember them from their hit single

 'Weatherman'. The rest of that band now form Bell X1.


    In March 1999 Damien moved to Tuscany, then travelled around Europe, busking the streets.

He arrived back to Dublin a year later, with a clear head and full of ideas.

He approached his music with a new found freshness and decided to put some songs down on record.


 Borrowing money from those that would lend it, he recorded his demo and sent it off to renowned

producer and film composer, David Arnold (Bjork, James Bond).

 Arnold liked what he heard and provided enough money for Damien to buy his own mobile studio.


   Damien Rice now sings with Lisa Hannigan and released his debut solo album in Ireland in early 2002. In July 2002 this album, 'O', was released in the UK and it received widespread critical acclaim.

In June 2003 'O' was released in the USA and Europe, with Damien appearing on The Letterman Show and receiving more acclaim from publications such as Newsweek and The Boston Globe.


 Damien also plays with Tomo (Tom Osander, formerly of 'God Street Wine' - drums, percussion),

 Vyvienne Long (cello), and Shane Fitzsimons (bass).  -Eskimofriends.com




Damien Rice - The Box (HQ Live 2014)







심장을 파고드는 깊은 서정미의 진수. 한국인이 사랑하는 싱어송라이터 '데미안 라이스 (Damien Rice)' 8년만에 돌아오는 그의 새로운 판타지. 새 앨범 [My Favourite Faded Fantasy]


가슴 시린 쓸쓸함과 떨림을 아름다움으로 승화시킨 사운드로 많은 사랑을 받아온 싱어송라이터 데미안 라이스(Damien Rice). 전작 ”O”와 “9”의 뒤를 잇는 그의 8년 만의 신작이 드디어 베일을 벗었다.

 섬세한 가사와 동시에 깨질 것 같은 연약함과 마음을 움직이는 강력한 힘을 내재하고있는 새 앨범

 [My Favourite Faded Fantasy]


8년만의 컴백을 알리는 선 공개 싱글 ‘My Favourite Faded Fantasy, 애잔한 사운드 위에 흐르는 섬세한 감동

I Dont Want To Change You, “나에게 음악이란 움직이는 공기. 시간을 구부릴 수 있는 진동. 충분히 막강하면서도 열광적인 소용돌이의 탈출이다.

- 데미안 라이스




The Blowers Daughter 영화 클로져 삽입곡