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Bantry Girl's Lament / Joanie Madden Bantry Girl's Lament 아일랜드의 독립을 위해서 희생한 청년 Johnny를 애도하는 마음을 담은 음악 멜로디는 감미롭지만 노래는 슬픈........... Oh, who will plow the field, or who will thrash the corn? Oh, who will wash the sheep, and have them neatly shorn? The stag that's in the haggard, unthrashed it may remain Since Johnny went a-thrashing..
Fly Robin Fly Fly Robin Fly 요즘 트위터 페이스북 더보기 싸이월드 미투데이
Dalida-Sois Heureux (행복한 이별) Sois Heureux (행복한 이별) - Dalida N'ai pas peur Vas, je ne me tuerai pas pour si peu va Moi N'ai pas peur Moi aussi je saurai bien t'oublier va Toi C'est ainsi Qu'on ne peut jamais revivre un amour mort Bien mort jetons lui Un dernier bouquet de roses Pour l'adieu, l'adieu Ah ! Dans ton regard ce n'est plus moi que je vois Ce n'est plus moi que tu retiens dans tes bras ..
Gene Pitney-if I Didn`t Have A Dime If I didn't have a dime,and I didn't take the time To play the juke box Whoa-o-o Saturday night would have been a sad and lonely night for me And if you weren't standing there Ruby lips and golden hair, beside the juke box Whoa-o-o I'd have lost my chance to hold You while you danced with me,umm hum While the records turned and turned We danced and learned, our hearts had year..
All For The Love Of A Girl All For The Love Of A Girl 요즘 트위터 페이스북 더보기 싸이월드 미투데이
Doron Mazar-Zingarella(짚시소녀) Zingarella(짚시소녀) - Doron Mazar 누가 그 우아하고 아름답고 영리한 짚시 小女를 원하는가 신사양반들 여기그 小女가 있소 나는 알고있다오 발코니 위의 여인이 무엇을 생각하는지 나는 길 모퉁이에 성나 서성이는 젊은 친구들보다 나은 남자라오 나는 사랑에 빠진 늙은이들의 머리에 불지..
Chris De Burgh-The Girl With Aprill In Her Eyes The Girl With Aprill In Her Eyes 크리스 디 버그 There once was a King Who called for the Spring For his world was Still covered in snow But the Spring had not been For he was wicked and mean In his winter-fields Nothing would grow And when a traveller Called seeking help at the door Only food and a bed for the night He ordered his slave To turn her away The girl with Apr..
La Buena Vida - Despues de Todo외 사랑과 느낌의 무드 22곡 01. La Buena Vida - Despues de Todo 02. Rita Calypso - Paper Mache 03. Bathing Beauty - Christmas Jam 04. Anna Felix - I Will 05. Real Carioca - Anos Dourados 06. Ramon Leal - Voce e Eu 07. Ramon Leal - So Danco Samba 08. Constantin Veis - Where Is the Time 09. Plastic D'amour - La Ficelle 10. The Waving Tree - On a Sunday Afternoon 11. Swan Di..
Montserrat Caballe-March with me, by Vangelis March With Me, Vangelis - Montserrat Caballe March with Me : Composed by Vangelis, Montserrat Caballe(Soprano) 스페인 까딸로냐 출신의 , 몽세라 까바예의 70세 기념 음반에 수록된 곡. 이 음반은 2003년(1997년에 발매된 것은 또 뭔데?) 발매 되었고 다양한 연도의 곡들이 담겨 있는데,반젤리스, 프레디 머큐리, 헬무트 ..
Brothers Four-seven daffodils 외 ♧ Seven Daffodils - 일곱송이 수선화 * 비교감상 / 내가 좋아하는 가수는? 양 현 경 Brothers Four 양 희 은 Carol kidd 최 지 연 Seven Daffodils 동영상/ Brothers Four I may not have a mansion. I haven’t any land. Not even a paper dollar to crinkle in my hand. But I can show you mornings on a thousand hills. And kiss you and give you seven daffodil..
Re: Flashdance (M/V) body { background-color:transparent; margin:0; padding:0; overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-face-color:#DBDBDB; scrollbar-highlight-color:#BBBBBB; scrollbar-shadow-color:#BBBBBB; scrollbar-track-color:#F3F3F3; } body p { line-height:1.6; } p { margin:0; padding:0; } a img { border:none..
Al Martino - Speak Softly Love [ 'Speak Softly Love' : Al Martino ] Speak softly love And hold me warm against your heart I feel your words The tender trembling moments start We're in our world, Our very own Sharing a love that only Few have ever known Wine colored days, warmed by the sun Deep velvet nights, when we are one Speak softly love So no one hears us but the sky The vows of love we make Will live ..
Best 샹송 100 - 2 요즘 트위터 페이스북 더보기 싸이월드 미투데이
Chyi Yu-Donde Voy 외 샹송모음 37곡 Le Temps Qu'll Nous Reste 01. Donde Voy - Chyi Yu 02. Haris Alexiou - Patoma 03. Abrazme(안아주세요) - Tamara 04. La Maritza(마리짜 강변의 추억) - Sylvie Vartan 05. Le geant de Papier - Jean-Jacques Goldman 06. Chanson Simple - Patricia Kaas 07. Porque te vas(당신이 떠나기 때문에) - Jeanette 08. Perverses Caresses - Emmanuelle 09. Autum..
Sung By Caterina Valente-Tonight We Love Tonight We Love 오늘밤 우리 사랑을 나누어요. 내일이면 어덯게 될런지는 몰라도, 진실해야 할테죠. Tonight We Love Sung By Caterina Valente Tonight we love while the moon Beams down in dream light tonight. 오늘 밤 달빛이 꿈 속에 밝게 내리 비치는 동안 우리 사랑을 나누어요. We touch the stars, love is ours. Night winds..