Ken Laszlo -Hey Hey Guy
Hey Hey Guy
Ken: "Hallo"
French guy: "Hallo, You Help me"
Ken: "Oh dear, you have phone"
French guy: "Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
Ken: "I love you and feel the groove"
French guy: "Tell me about it, is it the true"
Ken: "It's true, yes, it's true"
French guy: "Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
Ken: "Don't worry, baby gold"
French guy: "Everything is same as all"
Ken: "Everything is the same"
French guy: "Oh, I love you"
Ken: "Me too"
French guy: "I love you"
Let me see what you have done
Let me know what happens here tonight
Love for hire is dangerous
Let me know what happens here tonight
Hey hey guy (Shell I get you)
Hey hey guy (Oh yeah)
Hey hey guy (?? any longer)
Hey hey guy (Oh yeah)
Steps to heaven, three steps to me
Let me know what you are doing tonight
You love me, but sorry I don't love you
Let me know what you are doing tonight
Fool for love and shine
Shine into my life
In your eyes my trouble
I forget that's right
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Hallo, ??"
"Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
"Tell me about it, is it the true"
"Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
"Everything is same as all"
"Oh, I love you"
"I love you"
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever and
l come back at 5 o'clock
let me llsten to the radlo
l got down dancln all the nlght
l just wanna try to feel allrlght
and now lwould your lovln baby lt's too late you
gonna away
just wlth all my fantasy l want to make a trlat and
l'll be countln up to ten to repress my desre and
l don't wanna spend my tlme l know you're been a ller and 반복 4번
you gave me satlstactlon l sald l love you many tlmes
you llked that sltuatlon l can't forget your pretty smlle
and now l would your lovln baby but lt's
too late you're gonna away
just wlth all my fant asy l want to make a trlal and
love ls like to play a game lt's gettln all your deslre and
every day and every nlght l'm brnln like a flre
We try to know and take it just like tonight
Let your feeling riding over the flight
To make your joy, well, enjoy yourself
Don't give up on pleasure of tonight
Don't misworry, baby
Everything's gotta be great
Why don't you try to know it
You don't tell things you fuck it
Or will I tell you
Oh, oh......
We will see tonight
We got the pleasure in our right way
Oh, oh......
You and me, better now
We're finally together
* Repeat
Stop to move and just listen to me
We'll be partying now to lose your mind
Catch the moment, enjoy yourself
Try to touch the pleasure
Love's in your eyes
* Repeat
우리나라 팬들에게 Hey Hey Guy, Don't Cry등으로 잘 알려진 Ken Laszlo는 독일출신의
이탈로 댄스 (유로 댄스의 한 장르)가수 이다.
그는 어렸을 때부터 아주 특별한 음악적 재능을 가지고 있었다.
Ken Laszlo는 또한 어렸을 때 플롯을 배웠고 음악아카데미를 졸업한 경력도 가지고 있다.
켄라즐로가 열다섯 살 때에 그는 디스코택과 클럽에서 연주하고 노래하면서 음악가로서의
실력을 쌓아가기 시작했다.
켄라즐로는 1984년에 "Tonight", "Don't Cry", "Hey Hey Guy", "Glasses Man",
"12345678" 이란 노래들로 첫번째이자 가장 큰 성공을 거두게 되는데 이러한 노래들은
유럽에서 아주 큰 힛트를 기록했을 뿐만 아니라 아시아와 특히 베네주엘라에서 엄청난
힛트를 기록해 그의 이름을 단번에 알리게 된다.
Ken Laszlo는 그의 레코드를 이런 시장에 백만장 이상의 판매고를 올렸으며 1988년
"Ken Laszlo"라는 앨범 제목으로 첫 번째 앨범을 냈었다.
우리나라에서도 같은 해에 "Ken Laszlo Hit"라는 앨범제목으로 태양음반사에서
그의 초기작 힛트곡들을 모아서 발매하기도 했다.
그의 두 번째 앨범은 폴란드의 Snake's Music사에서 발매하였으며 그 후 한동안 활동이
뜸하였지만 1994년에 다시 "Come Back"이라는 앨범으로 음악무대로 Come Back하게
그의 싱글 "Love Things"은 M.Farina가 작곡하고 Jenny라는 가수와 듀엣곡으로 부른
1998년에 "Dr.Ken & Mr.Laszlo"라는 앨범을 발표했으며 이 시기에 그의 힛트곡들을
다시 편집한 컴필레이션 앨범들과 그의 힛트곡들 모음집이 발매 되면서 그를 사랑하는
팬들에게 즐거움을 안겨줬다.
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