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Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - I'll Take Care of You ,I'd Rather Go Blind





Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - I'll Take Care of You






 I'll Take Care of You




I know you’ve been hurt
By someone else

I can tell by the way
You carry yourself

But if you’ll let me
Here’s what I’ll do
I’ll take care of you

I loved and lost
The same as you
So you see I know
Just what you’ve been through

And if you’ll let me
Here’s what I’ll do
I just got to take care of you

You won’t ever have to worry
You won’t ever have to cry

I’ll be there beside you
To dry your weeping eyes

So darlin’ tell me
That you’ll be true
‘Cause there’s no doubt in my mind

I know what I want to do
And just as sure as
One and one is two
I just got to take care of you

I’ll take care of you
I’ll take care of you




 (Live At Amsterdam, 2014.2.19)
I'd Rather Go Blind


Something told me that it was over, Baby!, Yeah!
When I saw you
When I saw you and that girl
And y'all was talking


Something deep down
Something deep down in my soul said
Go on, Go on and "Cry Girl"
When I saw you, when I saw you with that same person
And y'all was walking around


And I'd rather
I'd rather be a blind girl, Baby!, Yeah! yeah!

Than to see you walk away, Walk away from me, Baby!
Don't leave me, I don't wanna see you go


'Cause you see, I love you so much
And I don't wanna watch you leave me
Don't wanna watch you leave me, Baby!

And another thing is, one more thing is
I just don't, I just don't wanna be free
Scared to be by myself


I was just, I was just sitting here thinking
About your sweet kiss and your, Your warm embrace!
Hm, Your warm embrace!
Hm!, Yo yo!, Warm!, Warm embrace!


When I look down in the glass that I held to my lips
And I saw the reflection of the tears rolling down my face
That's when I knew I love you and I couldn't do without you
And I'd rather be a blind girl

Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
Baby!, Baby!, Babe!, No babe!, Oh oh!
Oh! babe!, All day sitting up
Sitting up thinking about you


Myself, I don't wanna see you leave
Please don't go
Oh! Babe!, No Babe!, Oh! Babe!
I'd rather be a blind girl


Something told me that it was over, Baby!
When I saw you
When I saw you and that girl
And y'all was talking


Something deep down in my soul said
Go on, Go on and "Cry Girl"
When I saw you, when I saw you and that girl
And y'all was walking by


And I'd rather go blind, I'd rather go blind
I'd rather go blind, Babe!
Than to see you walk away, Walk away!
Don't walk away 'cause I'd rather go blind!











조 보나메싸(Joe Bonamassa)...

77년생이니 이제 갓 서른을 넘긴 신세대블루스 록 기타리스트 이다 미국 뉴욕 출생으로 일찌기 어린시절부터 기타에 눈을 뜬 보나메싸는11세때 되던해 부터는 컨츄리 뮤지션인

"Danny Gatton" 에게서Rock은 물론 Jazz와 Heavy Rock 같은 뮤직등을 배우게된다


 그리고 이후 보나메싸는 Gatton의 밴드에서 기타연주를 하면서 실력을 키워 나갔고Gatton은 Bonamassa가 
12살되던 해에는 블루스 기타의 제왕 B.B. King 에게소개시키며 그의 기타연주력에 불을 지피게 만든다


14세가 되던해에는 펜더(Fender)기타 이벤트에 참석하도록 초청을 받을정도로출중한 기타실력을 연마해갔던

보나메싸는 94년 드디어 그의 데뷔음반 Bloodline을 발표하며 신세대 블루스 기타리스트로써의 면모를 갖추게 된다.
서정적인 멜로디와 헤비한 블루스를 연주하는 Joe Bonamassa는제2의 스티브 레이본이라는 평을 듣고 있는

 신세대 블루스 기타리스트로써뛰어난 음악적 재능을 지닌 기타리스트겸 싱어이기도 하다.

















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