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Senses Fail - Calling All Cars









Calling All Cars



Calling all cars
we've got another victim
Cause my love has become
an affliction

What did you expect from me
What did you expect from me

I'm sorry but I think
I failed to mention
That I lied at my
very first confession

What did you expect from me
What did you expect from me
'Cause this has been building
since I have been breathing

And I know how it's going to end
So will you scatter my ashes
where they won't be found

I kept my word when I swore
that I would let you down
And now that I'm gone
Try to forget me and just move on
So will you scatter my ashes


where they won't be found
I kept my word and
you hate me for it now
You knew all along
Try to forget me and just move on



Oh my dear what have I gone
and done now
It's curtain call I'm about
to take my last bow



What did you expect from me
What did you expect from me
Without giving away
the entire ending



I ruined the evening again
So will you scatter my ashes

where they won't be found
I kept my word when I swore
that I would let you down

And now that I'm gone
Try to forget me and just move on
So will you scatter my ashes

where they won't be found
I kept my word and
you hate me for it now
You knew all along



Try to forget me and
just move on
I don't have love left
inside inside

And I don't have love left
inside inside
Are you desperate for an answer
I don't have anounce of
good left in me now

That's why I walked out
So will you scatter my ashes
where they won't be found

I kept my word when I swore
that I would let you down
And now that I'm gone
Try to forget me and just move on
So will you scatter my ashes



where they won't be found
I kept my word and
you hate me for it now
You hate me for it now



Try to forget me and just move on
I am not the one
that you should blame
So take what I left you for the pain



I am not the one that you should blame
So take what I left you for the pain
And do your best to forget my name






Senses Fail - Bite to Break Skin (Legion of Doom Remix)




북미권 포스트 하드코어 씬을 이끌어온 Senses Fail의 베스트 앨범
포스트 하드코어의 발전사와 함께해온 Senses Fail의 음악적 발자취

2002년 뉴저지에서 결성된 이모코어 밴드 Senses Fail은 국내엔 많이 알려지지 못했지만 북미권에선 Finch,

Silverstein과 어깨를 나란히 할 만큼 높은 인기를 얻고 있는 밴드이다.


보컬 Buddy Nielsen이 신문에 게재된 밴드 구인광고를 통해 활동을 시작해, 문학과 동양 철학 등 하드코어 밴드들이 쉽게 다루지 않는 테마들을 주 재료로 다뤄 온 이들은 두 번째 정규앨범 [Still Searching]과 세 번째 정규앨범

 [Life Is Not a Waiting Room]을 연이어 상업적으로 성공시키고 평단으로부터 음악적 가치를 인정 받으며

Emo/Screemo 씬의 대표주자로 떠올랐다.

데뷔 10주년을 맞이한 2012년에 선보이는 이번 베스트 앨범은 활동 초기 하드코어 펑크의 느낌이 강했던 음악에서

세련된 Screemo 음악으로 변화한 지난 10년간의 과정을 하나로 응축한 앨범이며 이모코어 명반 [Still Searching]의 대표 곡 “Shark Attack”과 가장 최근 정규앨범 [The Fire]의 수록 곡인 “The Fire” 등 Senses Fail의 음악세계를

탐구하기에 모자람이 없는 곡들이 담겨있다.


 이모코어 밴드 중 감성적인 요소를 가장 잘 잡아내는 것으로 알려진 이들의 음악은 청량감 넘치는 사운드와 서정성이 살아있는 멜로디로 리스너에게 록적인 쾌감을 안겨줄 것이다.





Garden State - Senses Fail