POP SONG & ROCK (3969) 썸네일형 리스트형 Elvis Presley -Anything That's Part Of You Elvis Presley -Anything That's Part Of You 당신의 흔적들 뿐일텐데.. Anything That's Part Of You I memorize the note you sent Go all the places that we went I seem to search the whole day through For anything that's part of you I kept a ribbon from your hair A breath of perfume lingers there It helps to cheer me when I'm blue Anything that's part of you Oh, how it hur.. Trubrot -Rain Rain Hlustaðu a regnið hlustaðu það fellur þett Við hvern dropa veistu' að veitist mer það ekki lett Að fela mina miklu ast og að þer afram dast og meðan eg er hja þer ma rigna fyrir mer Hlustaðu a regnið hlustaðu það fellur þett Við hvern dropa finnst mer allt vera svo gott og rett Sem við gerum saman ein okkar ast er hrein og bei.. Clemence-Ques-Tu Clemence -Ques-Tu (그대는 어디있나요) Ques-Tu (그대는 어디있나요) .. Mon amour inconnu J'attend un signe de toi, Sur cette terre, ou es-tu? J'attend je ne sais quoi, D'infini, d'absolu Mon amour, ou es-tu? 오늘 밤 나는 그대를 생각해요, 나의 미지의 사랑을. 나는 당신의 신호를 기다려요 이 곳에 있을 신호를, 그대는 어디 .. Newton Family|-Love is Magic Newton Family|-Love is Magic Love is Magic Shadow's falling, There's dreamworld in the fire Feel the magic as the flames are rising higher 그림자가 드리워요 타오르는 불에는 꿈의 세계가 있어요 불꽃이 세게 타오를 수록 마법을 느껴요 Reach for me in the dark, Touch me now, hold me tight Such a love comes once in every life 어둠속에서 내.. Katie Melua -If You Were A Sailboat KaKatie Melua -If You Were A Sailboattie Melua If You Were A Sailboattie Melua If you were a cowboy I would trail you If you were a piece of wood Id nail you to the floor If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore If you were a river I would swim you If you were a house I would live in you all my days If you were a preacher Id begin to change my ways Sometimes I beli.. Maywood-I'm In Love For The Very First Time I'm in Love For The Very First Time I'm in love for the very first time I'm like a shop in the general line 당신을 처음 본 그 순간에 난 사랑에 빠졌어요 이제 난 만물상처럼 이 세상 모든 걸 다 가진 것만 같아요 I've got happiness Laughter, joy Ever after I'm in love For the very first time 처음 본 당신을 사랑하게 된 그 순간부.. Rod Stewart- Sailing Rod Stewart - Sailing - Sailing - Rod Stewart Rod Stewart I am sailing, I am sailing, home again 'cross the sea. I am sailing, stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. 나는 바다를 저어갑니다 저 바다건너 평안의 고향으로 거친 바다를 가르며 항해합니다 그대 곁을 향하여 자유를 찾아 I am flying, I am flying, like a bird 'cross the sky.. Richard Marx-Straight From My Heart Richard Marx-Straight From My Heart Straight From My Heart The sun's still warm and most days are good The world still turns like you said it would But this pain seems to never let me go 태양은 여전히 따뜻하고 대부분의 날들은 좋아요 세상은 여전히 그대가 말한 것처럼 되어가고 있어요 그러나 이 고통은 결코 나를 떠나게 하지 .. George Baker Selection-I 've been away too long I 've been away too long How can I say to you I love somebody new You were so good to me always And when I see your eyes I can't go on with lies It breaks your heart But I just can't hide 당신에게 어떻게 말해야 하나요 새로운 사람을 사랑하게 된 것을 당신은 항상 나에게 잘 대해주었는데 당신의 눈을 볼 때면 거짓말을 할 수 가 .. Scorpions-Wind Of Change Scorpions-Wind Of Change Wind Of Change I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park 나는 모스크바의 고르키 공원 쪽으로 걸어 갔어요 Listening to the wind of change 변화의 바람을 들으며 An August summer night soldiers passing by 8월의 어느 여름밤 군인들이 지나가고 있어요 Listening to the wind of change 변화의 바람을 들으면서 Th.. Queen - Under Pressure Queen - Under Pressure Under Pressure Pressure pushing down on me Pressing down on you, no man ask for Under pressure that burns a building down Splits a family in two Puts people on streets 억압이 나를 짓누르고 아무도 부탁하지 않았는데도 당신도 짓누르고 있네 억압속에서 건물도 불타오르고 가족들을 두동강이가 나고 사람들.. Queen - We Are The Champions We Are The Champions I've paid my dues time after time 나는 오랫동안 책임을 다 했어 I've done my sentence 감옥에도 갔다가 왔지만 But committed no crime 나는 죄를 짓지도 않았고 And bad mistakes I've made a few 그저 억세게 운이 나빴던 것뿐이야 I've had my share of sand kicked in my face 나는 내가 받아야 할 치욕과 설움을.. Brown and Dana-Ace of Sorrow Brown and Dana-Ace of Sorrow (이별의 슬픔) Brown and Dana-Ace of Sorrow (이별의 슬픔) To the queenof hearts He's the ace of sorrow 난 하트 여왕 패를 가졌는데 그이는 슬픔의 에이스 카드를 가졌네 He's here today He's gone tomorrow 오늘 그와 함께 있지만 내일이면 그는 떠나가리 Young men are plenty But sweethearts few 세상에 .. Bad Company -Love Me Somebody Bad Company -Love Me Somebody Love Me Somebody Love me somebody, somebody love me Take me for what I'm worth But only love me, but only love me Well there was a crazy fool Who followed you home from school Hoping you would say "Hello" But you didn't know That you were breaking my heart Love me somebody, somebody love me Take me for what I'm worth But only love me, but only lov.. Chris De Burgh -The Lady In Red Burgh I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight I've never seen you shine so bright I've never seen so many man ask you If you wanted to dance 그대가 오늘밤처럼 이렇게 사랑스러워 보인적이 없었어요 난 결코 당신이 그렇게 환해 보인적이 없었어요 이렇게 많은 남자들이 그대와 함께 춤을 추고싶어하는 것을.. 이전 1 ··· 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ··· 265 다음