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Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars ,Fix You A Sky Full of Stars 'Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars 넌 하늘이니까, 별이 가득한 하늘이니까 I'm gonna give you my heart 네게 내 마음을 줄 거야 'Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars 넌 하늘이니까, 별이 가득한 하늘이니까 'Cause you light up the path 넌 길을 비춰주니까 I don't care, go on and tea..
Coldplay - Trouble , Adventure Of A Lifetime Coldplay - Trouble Trouble oh no, I see 오 이런, 이제야 내가 a spiderweb is tangled up with me 거미줄에 완전히 엉켜버려 and I lost my head 이성마저 잃어 버렸다는 것을 알았어요. and thought of all the stupid things I'd said 내가 말한 모든 것들이 어리석었어요. oh no, what's this? 오 이런, 도대체 이 꼴이 뭐지요? a spid..
Enrico Macias-L'amour C'est Pour Rien(사랑에는 이유가 없어요) Comme une salamandre, l"amour est merveilleux Et renait de ses cendres comme l"oiseau de feu nul ne peut le contraindre Pour lui donner la vie Et rien ne peut l"eteindre Sinon l"eau de l"oubli. 사랑이란 전설속의 불도마뱀처럼 경이롭고, 불새처럼 다시 살아나는 것이지요. 어떠한 것도 사랑의 생명을 끌 수는 없답니다. 다만 망각의 ..
Jennifer Lopez-Brave , Let`s Get Loud Jennifer Lopez-Brave Brave It's a new day, new day and it's evident 새로운 날, 새로운 날이야 You must've been heaven-sent Sometimes we shouldn't be hesitant 당신은 분명히 하늘이 보내준 사람일거야 가끔 망설이지 말아야 할 때가 있지 But I'm not at all Just feeling more confident 하지만 난 전혀 그렇지 않아 좀더 자신감을 갖..
Marc Anthony- Love is All , How Could Love is All When you hold me like this so many memories fill my eyes 지금처럼 그대가 그리울때엔 아주 많은 추억들이 눈에 선합니다. The first time we kissed the times we nearly said good-bye 맨 처음 키스하던 그때 차마 안녕이라 말하지 못하고 머뭇거리던 순간들 But still here we are tested and tried and still true and stronger ..
Mariah Carey-Emotions ,Through The Rain Emotions You've got me feeling emotions Deeper than I've ever dreamed of 당신은 제가 지금껏 꿈꿔왔던 것보다 깊은 감정을 느끼게 해 주었어요 You've got me feeling emotions Higher than the heavens above당신은 하늘 보다 높은 감정을 느끼게 해 주었어요 I feel good 전 기분이 좋네요 I feel nice 전 기분이 흐뭇하네요. I've ..
Steel Heart-Wait Steel Heart-Wait Wait Ain't the world such a lonely place All caught up, a fighting race Am I the one  that hides in pain After all we cry the same Wait, wait Feel me heart, it's slowing down Wait, I'm waiting for love I need you now Heaven must try And steer us right And hold it steady, out light We froze in sunshine, cried in rain Oh sweet Jesus Here it comes again Yeh, so..
Bonnie Tyler / I Put A Spell On You I put a spell on you Because you're mine I put a spell on you I put a spell on you Because you're mine You'd better stop the things that you do I ain't lying, no I ain't lying I just can't stand it baby The way you're always running 'round I just can't stand it The way you always put me down Yeah, I put a spell on you Because you're mine You’re mine, you're mine, you're mine..
WET WET WET - Love Is All Around WET WET WET - Love Is All Around WET WET WET - Love Is All Around (with lyrics) Wet Wet Wet - Love Is All Around Love Is All Around Feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes The love that's all around me And so the feeling grows 손가락에서 느껴져요 발끝까지 느껴져요 그대의 사랑을 나를 둘러싸요 갈수록 커지네요 It's written on the wind It's e..
Julienne Taylor-I Don't Wanna Talk About It Julienne Taylor-I Don't Wanna Talk About It I Don't Wanna Talk About It I can tell by your eyes that you’ve probably been cryin’ forever. And the stars in the sky don't mean nothin’ to you, they're a mirror. I don't wanna talk about it, how you broke my heart. If I stay here just a little bit longer, If I stay here, wont you listen to my heart, oh oh my heart If I stand ..
Blackmore's Night - Under a violet moon Blackmore's Night - Under a violet moon Under a violet moon Dancing to the feel of the Drum Leave this World behind We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves Under a violet Moon 세상사는 잠시 뒤로 하고 북장단을 느끼며 춤을 추어요 자, 그 잔을 높이 들어요 우리들의 성찬을 열 거에요 보랏빛 달 아래에서 Tudor rose with her Hair in cu..
Steelheart - She's Gone Steelheart - She's Gone She's Gone She's gone Out of my life I was wrong, I'm to blame I was so untrue I can't live without her love In my life there's just an empty space All my dreams are lost, I,m wasting away Forgive me girl Lady won't you save me my heart belongs to you Lady can you forgive me for all I've done to you Lady Oh, Lady She's gone, out of my life Oh she's gone..
Engelbert Humperdinck-If Engelbert Humperdinck-If If If a picture paints a thousand words Then why can't I paint you? The words will never show, the you I've come to know If a face could launch a thousand ships Then where am I to go? There's no one home but you, you're all that's left me too And when my love for life is running dry You come and pour yourself on me If a man could be two places at one t..
Stratovarius-Forever Stratovarius-Forever         Forever    Istand alone in the darkness나는 어둠속에 혼자 서 있어요.the winter of my life came so fast내 삶의 겨울은 정말 빨리 찾아왔어요memories go back to childhood기억들은 어린시절로 돌아갑니다todays i still recall아직도 내가 기억하고있는oh how happy i was then오 그땐 얼마나 행복했던지there was no sorrow there was no pain거기엔 슬픔도 없었고 고통도 없었어요walking through the green fields푸른땅을 지나서 걸어요sunshine in my eyes햇살을 눈에 받으면서i'm still th..
Adele-Make You Feel My Love ,Someone Like You (Live at The Royal Albert Hall) Adele-Make You Feel My Love Make You Feel My Love When the rain is blowing in your face 당신에게 빗방울이 쏟아질 때 and the whole world is on your case 세상의 온 짐을 짊어진 것 같을 때 I could offer you a warm embrace 제가 따뜻하게 안아드릴 수 있어요 to make you feel my love 당신이 제 사랑을 느낄 수 있도록 When the evening sh..