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justin bieber-Mistletoe외 Justin Bieber노래모음    Justin Bieber-MistletoeJustin Bieber & Sean Kingston-Eenie MeenieJustin Bieber-BabyJustin Bieber-BiggerJustin Bieber-Down To EarthJustin Bieber feat. Jaden Smith-Never Say NeveJustin Bieber-Common Denominator (LIVE)Justin Bieber-Favorite GirlJustin Bieber-First DanceJustin Bieber-Love MeJustin Bieber-Never Let You GoJustin Bieber-One Less Lonely Girl (French Vocal)Justin Bie..
Taylor Swift-Mean ,Mine Taylor Swift-Mean You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me You have knoked me off my feet again, got me feeling like a nothing You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard calling me out when I'm wounded You, picking on the weaker man Well you can take me down with just one single blow But you don't know what you don't know Chorus Some..
Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You < Kelly Clarkson-Because of you Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You Because Of You I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did You fell so hard I've learned the hard way To never let it get that far 난 너 같은 실수는 하지 않을거야 내 심장이 그렇게 비참하도록 네가 ..
Kelly Clarkson - break away Kelly Clarkson-Breakaway Breakaway Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I'd just stare out my window Dreaming of what could be And if I'd end up happy I would pray Trying hard to reach out But when I tried to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I'd pray I could break away I'll spread my wings a..
Rita Coolidge ~ For The Good time Rita Coolidge -For The Good time For The Good time Don't look so sad I know it's over 슬픔을 보이지 마세요 나는 모든 것이 끝났음을 알아요 But life goes on and This old world will keep on turning 그러나 인생은 계속되는 것이니 낡은 이 세상도 계속될 것입니다 Let's just be glad, We had some time to spend together 우리는 기뻐하..
Beyonce- 'Honesty' 'Honesty' If you search for tenderness It isn`t hard to find 만약 당신이 부드러움을 찾는다면 그건 어렵지 않아요 You can have the love you need to live 당신이 사는데 필요한 사랑을 얻을 수 있죠 But if you look for truthfulness 하지만 만약 당신이 진실함을 찾는다면 You might just as well be blind 당신은 마치 눈먼 사람..
Beyonce-Crazy in Love Beyonce-Crazy in love Crazy in love Yes! 그래! It's so crazy right now! 지금 열광해가고 있어! Most incredibly, it's ya girl, Bee, 정말 못믿기게, 너구나, 비, It's ya boy, young. 너구나, 영, [Intro - Beyonce:] 인트로 - 비욘세 You ready? 준비됐니? Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no Uh oh, uh..
John Lennon - Woman ,Imagine John Lennon -“Woman” Woman Woman I can hardly express, 여인이여, 내가 정말 설명을 못하겠어요. My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness, 나의 경솔함에 대한 복잡미묘한 이 감정을 말이에요. After all I'm forever in your debt, 당신에게 평생 갚질 못한 마음의 빚을 졌어요. And woman I will try to express, 여인이여, 내가 ..
Rappers Against Racism -Question Of Color Question Of Color I can feel it’s a question of colours, 난 그게 색깔의 문제라는 걸 느낄 수 있어요 I can feel it’s that thing of black and white 그게 흑과 백에 관한 것임을 느낄 수 있어요 once I had a dream just like Martin Luther King 마틴 루터 킹처럼 난 꿈을 가졌어요 The world would come together and unite 세상은 화해..
Selena Gomez - Come & Get It , A Year Without Rain Selena Gomez - Come & Get It Come & Get It When you're ready come and get it (2x) Na na na na na na na (3x) When you're re-e-e-dy (2x) When you're ready come and get it Na na na (3x) 네가 준비 되었을 때 와서 가져 나나나나 You ain’t gotta worry it’s an open invitation I’ll be sittin’ right here real patient All day all night I’ll be waitin’ standby C..
Selena Gomez에 대하여 미국 아이돌 제조기 디즈니 사가 발굴한 하이틴 스타로 가수이자 영화배우이며모델일도 하고 있는 바쁜 스타 중 한 명으로 1992년 7월 22일 그랜드프레리에서 멕시코계 아버지 리카르도 호엘 고메스(Ricardo Joel Gomez)와 이탈리아계 연극 배우인어머니 어맨다 돈 "맨디" 티페이(Amanda Dawn "Mandy" Teefey) 사이에서 태어났 고메즈가 5살때 부모가 이혼하였으며, 어머니 밑에서 성장하였는데 2006년에 어머니는 브라이언 티페이(Brian Teefey)와 재혼하였다. 고메즈의 이름은 가수 셀리나에서 가져온 것이다. 어릴 적에 어머니가 창작극 준비를 하고 있는 것을 보고, 그 길에 흥미를 가졌다고 하며 2010년 5월에 자택 학습을 통해 고등학교 졸업장을 얻었다. 7살때 아역으로 배..
Smokie - I'll Meet You at Midnight Smokie - I'll Meet You at Midnight I'll Meet You At Midnight A summer evening on Les Champs Elyses A secret rendezvous they planned for days I see faces in the crowded cafe A sound of laughter as the music plays 샹젤리제 거리의 어느 여름 저녁 며칠동안 계획해온 비밀스런 만남 붐비는 까페에서 바라보는 그들의 얼굴 음악 소리에 실려..
Kenny Rogers & Bonnie Tyler -Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer Kenny Rogers & Bonnie Tyler -Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer Just look at you sitting there You never looked better than tonight And it'd be so easy to tell you I'd stay Like I've done so many times I was so sure this would be the night You'd close the door And wanna stay with me And it'd be so easy To tell you I'd stay Like I've done so man..
Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston - When You Believe Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston - When You Believe . Many nights we've prayed 많은 밤들을 우린 기도해왔죠 With no proof anyone could hear 누가 들을거란 확신도 없이 In our hearts a hopeful song 우리 가슴속의 희망의 노래가 We barely understood 뭔지도 모른채 살았죠 Now we are not afraid 우린 더이상 두렵지않죠 Although we know t..
Adele -Set Fire To The Rain Adele -Set Fire To The Rain Set Fire To The Rain I let it fall, my heart, 난 내 마음이 떨어지게 했어요. And as it fell you rose to claim it 그런데도 당신은 그걸 더 요구하네요. It was dark and I was over 암울하고 난 끝났어요. Until you kissed my lips and you saved me 당신이 내 입술에 키스하고 나를 구해주기 전까진... My han..