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Barbara Mandrell- After all these years ,Try To Remember, wish you were here

Barbara Mandrell- After all these years




After all these years




Faded photographs
the feelings all come back
even now sometimes
you feel so near
and I still see your face
like it was yeasterday
it's strange how the days turned into years

years of hanging on
to dreams are already gone
years of wishing you were here
after all this time you'd think I wouldnt cry
it's just that I still love you
after all these years

nighttime gently falls
another day is gone
I turn around to find you're still not here
I leave the hall light on
in case you come back home
Funny,I've been saying that for years

years of hanging on
to dreams are already gone
Years of wishing you were here
after all this time you'd think I wouldnt cry
it's just that I still love you
after all these years

after all these years


빛바랜 사진들을 보노라니
옛사랑의 감정이 다시 밀려 오는군요
지금도 가끔은 그대가 바로 내 곁에 있는 듯 합니다.
바로 어제인 듯
그대의 얼굴이 아직도 생생하군요

그토록 많은 나날들이 흘러버렸는지
의아하기만 합니다
이미 지나버린 꿈들에 집착해 온 수많은 나날들
그대가 곁에 있어주기만 바랬던 수많은 나날들
이렇게 많은 시간이 흘러간 뒤에도
그대는 내가 울지 않으리라 생각했겠지요.

그건 이렇게 수많은 날들이 흘러갔어도
내가 아직도 그대를 사랑하기 때문이랍니다
어둠이 서서히 온 세상을 까맣게 물들이면
또 하루가 지나가 버리지요
행여 그대가 오시지 않았나 뒤돌아 봅니다

그대가 돌아올 걸 생각하며 환하게
불밝혀 놓습니다
참 우습지요
그렇게 지나온 수많은 나날들을 말할 수 있다니
이렇게 많은 시간이 흘러갔어도

아직도 그대를 사랑하고 있기 때문에



Try To Remember


Try To Remember

Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green And grain was yellow

Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender And callow fellow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow, follow

Try to remember When life was so tender
That no one wept except the willow
Try to remember the kind of September
When love was an ember About to billow

Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow, follow

Deep in December It's nice to remember
Although you know The snow will follow
Deep in December It's nice to remember
The fire of September That made us mellow

Deep in December Our hearts should remember
And follow follow follow



wish you were here

I took a vacation down by the ocean
But it's no fun with a heart that's broken
Ooh, baby, I wish you were here

I see lovers walking on the beach at sunset
I turned to you, I guess I'm just in the habit
Ooh, baby, I wish you were here

I wish you were here, I gotta be honest
It's no fun alone drinking pina coladas
I wish you were here but you're with another
It's gonna be a long, lonely summer

If I knew where you were
I'd send you a postcard
Having a blue time, I'm so lonely so far
Ooh, baby, I wish you were here

I wish you were here, I gotta be honest
It's no fun alone drinking pina coladas
I wish you were here but you're with another
It's gonna be a long, lonely summer

I put on my gown, I turn all the lights out
Pull back the covers, I'm going to bed now

Ooh, baby, I wish you were here
Ooh, baby, I wish you were here
Ooh, baby, I sure wish you were here






Barbara Mandrell(바바라 맨드렐)은 1948년 10월 25일,미국 텍사스 휴스턴에서 태어났습니다.
그녀는 5살 때부터 기타를 배우기 시작해서6살 때는쳇 애킨스나 조 메피스 같은 기타 고수로부터 사사를 받고
13살 때는 주빌리 쇼에 출연하면서 데뷔를 합니다. 그 당시주빌리 쇼는 Red Foley나 Johnny Cash 같은 대 스타들이
나오는 프로그램이였습니다.

그녀는 1970 ~ 80년대 미국에서미모와 가창력으로 최고의 인기를 구가했던 가수입니다.

한국에선 별로 알려지지 않았지만 Barbara Mandrell은Guitar, Banjo, Accordion, Saxophone수많은 악기를
자유자재로 다루며 특히 Steel Guitar는 상당한 수준급으로The Princess of Steel이라는 별명을 갖고 있음.

Barbara Mandrell은 30여년간의 가수생활을 통하여30여장의 앨범을 발표한바 있으며 1980년, 1981년도
Country Musc Awards의 Entertainer of the Year대상을 2년 연속 수상하였습니다.






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