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Jessica Simpson -When you told me you loved me When You Told Me You Loved Me Once, doesn’t mean anything to me 한땐 내게 아무런 의미가 없었어요 Come Show me the meaning of complete 내게 와서 보여줘요 완전 하다는 것의 의미를 Where did our love go wrong? 어디서 부터 우리의 사랑이 잘못된 걸까요 Once we were so strong 한때 우리의 사랑은 매우 강했어요 How can I go..
Anne Murray-Just Fall In Love Again Just Fall In Love Again Dreaming, I must be dreaming or am I really lying here with you? Baby, you take me in your arms And though I'm wide awake I know my dream is coming true 꿈일거에요. 난 꿈을 꾸고 있는걸꺼라구요. 아니면 내가 정말 당신 곁에 누워있는건가요? 당신, 날 당신 품에 안고 있네요. 난 완전히 깨어있지만 알아요..
Chicago-Hard To Say I m Sorry, If You Leave Me Now Chicago-Hard To Say I m Sorry Hard To Say I m Sorry Everybody needs a little time away I heard her say from each other 누구나 각자의 시간이 필요하다고 그녀는 얘기했지요 Even lovers need a holiday Far away from each other 사랑하는 연인들도 휴식이 필요하다고 서로에게서 멀리 떨어져서 Hold me now It's hard for me to say I'm sorry I ..
Stratovarius-Forever !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> Forever / Stratovarius I stand alone in the darkness the winter of my life came so fast memories go back to childhood to days I still recall Oh how happy I was then there was no sorrow there was no pain walking through the green fields sunshine in my eyes I'm still there everywhere I'm the dust in the wind I'm th..
The mamas & papas-California Dreamin` California Dreamin' All the leaves are brown And the sky is grey I've been for a walk on a winter's day I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A california dreamin' on such a winter's day 나뭇잎은 모두다 시들고 하늘도 잿빛으로 흐린데 한참이나 거리를 걸었지 어느 겨울날에 평화롭고 따스하게 지낼 수 있을텐데 L.A에 있다면 말이야..
Jem-They They / Jem Who made up all the rules 누군가 만들어 놓은 규칙들 We follow them like fools 우린 그저 바보같이 따를 뿐.. Believe them to be true 그것들이 진실이라 믿으면서.. Don't care to think them through 생각치도 않고 따를 뿐.. And I'm sorry so sorry 정말 유감스러워.. I'm sorry it's like this 유감스럽지만 이것도 그렇..
Aero Smith-Dream On Dream on / Aero Smith Every time I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got their dues in life to pay 거울을 바라볼 때마다 얼굴의 주름은 더 뚜렷해져만 가는군요 과거는 마치 새벽에서 황혼으로 저물듯이 가 버렸어요 사람들은 모..
Baccara-For You , Yes Sir, I Can Boogie Baccara-For You For You For you, for only you I'd like to do so much I'd need a lifetime. Time and space will end dear And then surrender to me for you. With you, with only you. You know it's true I won't survive without you. When I'm on my own some I feel so lone some and long for you. May be I'm only a little lonely. May be I'm yearning too much for you touch. May be I'm men..
Natasha St-Pier-All I Have Is My Soul , Je n'ai que mon ame , Toi Qui Manque A Ma Vie Natasha St-Pier-All I Have Is My Soul All I Have Is My Soul So you tell me something strange is going on 당신은 나에게 이상한 일들이 일어나고, And you tell me that our story's going wrong 우리의 일들이 잘못 되어간다고 말합니다. Though love is better left unsaid 진정한 사랑은 말하지 않고 남겨두는 것이 좋지만 But since you ask..
Madrugada-Majesty Madrugada-Majesty Majesty So am I Good or bad? The way that things did turn out I did only make you sad And we cried and we cried on the phone Oh, but in my mind You were never that all alone Oh, you were majesty Your roads were heavy And your longing was cut from bone So am I Am I good or bad? I could only awake your anger I could only make you mad Now was that how you showed..
Coldplay -Viva La Vida Viva La Vida I used to rule the world 난 한때 세상을 다스렸었지 Seas would rise when I gave the word 바다는 내가 한마디 할때 들썩거리곤 했어 Now in the morning I sweep alone 이젠 아침에 나 혼자 청소하고있어 Sweep the streets I used to own 내가 다스리던 그 거리를 쓸고 있어 I used to roll the dice 난 주사위를 던지곤..
The Doors-People Are Strange People Are Strange People are strange when you're a stranger Faces look ugly when you're alone Women seem wicked when you're unwanted Streets are uneven when you're down 당신이 이상한 사람일 때 사람들은 이상해 당신이 혼자일 때 얼굴들은 일그러져 당신이 쓸모없을 때 여자들은 사악해져 당신이 쓰러질 때 길은 울퉁불퉁해 Wh..
Madonna -`Give It 2 Me` (feat. Pharrell) Give It 2 Me What are you waiting for? 뭘 기다려? Nobody`s gonna show you how 아무도 어떻게 하는지 가르쳐 주지 않아 Why work for someone else 왜 다른 누군가를 위해 일해? To do what you can do right now? 그렇게 해서 지금 당장 뭘 할 수 있겠어? Got no boundaries and no limits 경계선도 없고 한계도 없어 If there`s excitement,..
Judas Priest - Before the Dawn, Ram it Down Judas Priest - Before the Dawn Before The Dawn Before the dawn I hear you whisper in your sleep don't let the morning take him outside the birds begin to call as if to summon up my leaving 통이 트기 전에 나는 당신이 속삭이는 것을 듣습니다. 당신이 잠든 동안에는 아침이 와도 깨우지 마세요. 밖의 새들은 마치 내가 떠나길 재촉이..
Patti Smith-Because The Night Because The Night take me now baby here as I am pull me close, try and understand desire is hunger is the fire I breathe love is a banquet on which we feed come on now try and understand the way I feel when I'm in your hands take my hand come undercover they can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now because the night belongs to lovers because the night belongs..