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The Carpenters-Rainy Days And Mondays ,This Masquerade, Yesterday Once More Rainy Days And Mondays Talkin' to myself and feeling old. Sometimes I'd like to quit 혼잣말을 하고 나이가 든 것 같은 느낌이 들면, 가끔은 포기하고 싶어져요. Nothing ever seems to fit. Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown. 아무것도 나에게 맞지 않는 것 같아요. 주위를 둘러봐도, 눈살을 찌푸리게 하는 일뿐ㅇㅣ에요. ..
The Wallflowers -One Headlight One Headlight So long ago, I don't remember when 옛날, 옛날 언제인지 기억나지 않는 그때 That's when they say I lost my only friend 나의 유일한 친구를 잃었다고 그들이 말한 그때 Well they said she died easy of a broken heart disease 그래 그들이 말했어 그녀가 심장병으로 편하게 죽었다고 As I listened through the cemetery tr..
Plain White T`s -Hey there Delilah DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> Hey there Delilah Hey there Delilah 안녕, Delilah What's it like in New York City? 거기 뉴욕은 어때? I'm a thousand miles away 난 천마일이나 멀리 있지만 But girl tonight you look so pretty 너 오늘밤 정말 이뻐보여 Yes you do 치명적으로 이쁜..
Radiohead-House of Cards House of Cards I don't want to be your friend 너의 친구가 되려는 게 아니야 I just want to be your lover 너의 사랑이 되고픈 거야 No matter how it ends 그 끝이 어떻든 No matter how it starts 어떻게 시작되든 상관없어 Forget about your house of cards 어설픈 소꿉놀이 따위는 잊어버려 And I'll do mine 나 또한 그리 할게 Forge..
The All American Rejects-Move Along ,Gives You Hell The All American Rejects-Move Along Move Along Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking 넌 하루를 쓸데없는 생각(걱정)만으로 허비하고 있어 When you fall everyone stands 모든 사람들은 서있을때 너는 넘어지는 것 같고 Another day and you've had your fill of sinking 그 다음날에도 넌 침몰하는 것 같지 With the life held in you..
Abba-Hasta Manana ABBA - Hasta Manana Where is the spring and the summer 봄과 여름은 어디에 있나요 That once was yours and mine 한 때 당신과 나의 것이었던 Where did it go I just don't know 어디로 갔나요 모르겠어요 But still my love for you will live forever 하지만 당신을 향한 나의 사랑은 영원 할 것이랍니다 Hasta Manana 'til we meet again 우..
Plain White T`s -1234 ,Rhythm of love 1234 1-2-1-2-3-4 Give me more loving than I've ever had 내가 지금까지 받은 사랑보다 더 많이 사랑해 주세요 Make it all better when I'm feeling sad 슬플때 기분이 나아지게 해주세요 Tell me I'm special even when I know I'm not 아니라는 걸 알지만 내가 특별하다고 말해주세요 Make it feel good when it hurts so bad 내가 심한 ..
Oasis-Slide Away ,The Masterplan Oasis-Slide Away Slide away - and give it all you've got 빠져나가 - 그리고 네가 가진 모든 걸 줘버려 My today - fell in from the top 내 오늘은 - 정상에서 점점 떨어져 내려가 I dream of you - and all the things you say 난 네 꿈을 꿔 - 그리고 네가 말한 모든 것을 말이지 I wonder where you are now? 지금 넌 대체 어디 있어? ..
Radiohead Collection A wolf at the door Nude You and whose Army? ) Videotape True Love Waits Last Flowers To the hospital Nice Dream Reckoner Idioteque I will 4 Minute Warning 라디오헤드(Radiohead) 1985년 영국 옥스퍼드셔 주 애빙던에서 결성된 얼터너티브 록 밴드이다. 밴드는 톰 요크 (리드 보컬, 기타, 피아노)와 콜린 그린우드 (베이스), 조니 그..
Westlife-Seasons In The Sun ,Flying Without Wings Seasons In The Sun Goodbye to you my trusted friend 나의 신뢰하는 친구 그대여 안녕 We've known each other 우리는 서로 알고 지냈어요 since we were nine or ten 우리가 아홉인가 열살 때부터 Together we've climbed hills and trees 우리는 함께 언덕을 오르고 나무를 탔지요 Learned of love and ABC's 사랑도 글씨도 배웠어요 Sk..
Scorpions -Fly to the Rainbow ,Wind of Change, SCORPIONS - GYPSY LIFE Scorpions -Fly to the Rainbow Fly to the Rainbow Life is empty, can't remember anytime before, On a plain lit cold December, see it evermore, Gliding through this life, and another is a child, and we're doing games, and losing things, Always playing gigs. Somewhere in the sky, where the moon the stars shine bright, Where the sun is shining, in the night. I am in disgrace, yet ..
U2-All I Want is You , Sunday Bloody Sunday All I Want is You You say you want a diamond on a ring of gold You say you want your story to remain untold 당신은 말하지, 당신은 다이아몬드 박힌 금반지를 원한다고 당신은 말하지, 당신의 이야기를 계속 비밀로 했으면 한다고 All the promises we made from the cradle to the grave When all I want is you 요람에서부터 무덤까지, ..
Cher-Dark Lady Cher-Dark Lady Dark Lady The fortune queen of New Orleans, Was brushing her cat in her black limousine On the backseat were scratches from The marks of men her fortune she had won Couldn't see through the tinted glass, She said "Home James" and he hit the gas I Followed her to some darkened room, She took my money, she said "I'll be with you soon" Dark Lady laughed and danced ..
Buckshot Lefonque -Another day Buckshot Lefonque -Another day -Another day Another day 또 다른 날 Staring out of my window 창밖을 바라보며 Thinkin' bout tomorrow 내일을 생각하지 Wishing things would clear 모든일이 명확해졌으면 하고- No need to rush 서두를 필요는 없어 I ain't gonna worry 더 이상 걱정하지 않으려고 해 Any moment my sorrow Is bound to disappear ..
Richard Marx -Straight From My Heart ,One more time Richard Marx -Straight From My Heart Straight From My Heart The sun's still warm and most days are good The world still turns like you said it would But this pain seems to never let me go And there is really no movin' on There's only going along 태양은 여전히 따뜻하고 대부분의 날들은 좋아요 세상은 여전히 그대가 말한 것처럼 되어가고 있어..