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UB40 - Red Red Wine ,Where Did I Go Wrong UB40 - Red Red Wine Live at Montreux 2002 Red Red Wine Red red wine goes to my head Makes me forget that I still need you so 붉은 붉은 와인이 내 머리를 아직도 계속 그렇게 널 필요로 하는 걸 잊게 해 Red red wine It's up to you All I can do I've done Memories won't go Memories won't go 붉은 붉은 와인 너에게 달렸지 내가 할 수있는 건 ..
Mary J. Blige - Family Affair Mary J Blige- Family Affair Live from Abbey Road Family Affair hmmm, woooh, oh oh oh mmm, aaahmmm Let's get it crunk, we gon' have fun 자 시작해보자, 재미있을 거야 Up on in this, dance for me 이곳으로 올라와, 나와 함께 춤을 춰 We got ya open, now ya floatin' 이제 마음을 열고, 한번 떠보는 거야 So you gots to dance for me 나와 함께 춤..
Deep Purple-Soldier of fortune, Child In Time Deep Purple-Soldier of fortune Soldier of fortune I have often told you stories about the way I lived the life of a drifter waiting for the day 하루를 기다리는 방랑자의 삶을 살았던 내 인생에 대해 당신께 자주 얘기했었죠 When I'd take your hand and sing you songs Then maybe you would say "Come lay with me, love me" And I would surely stay 내가 ..
Michael Buble-What A Wonderful World ,Home Michael Buble-What A Wonderful World What A Wonderful World I see trees of green red roses too 난 푸른 나무들과 붉은 장미를 바라보아요 I see them bloom for me and you 나와 당신을 위해 장미가 꽃을 피우는 걸 바라보죠 And I think to myself 그리고 나 혼자 생각해요 what a wonderful world. 이 세상이 얼마나 아름다운가를 I se..
Chet Baker-My Funny Valentine Chet Baker-My Funny Valentine My Funny Valentine My funny Valentine Sweet comic Valentine You make me smile with my heart 재미있는 나만의 발렌타인 달콤한, 코믹한 발렌타인 당신은 내 마음까지도 웃게 만들어주네요 Your looks are laughable Unphotographable Yet you're my favorite work of art 당신은 너무 우스꽝스럽네요 사진으로조..
Neil Young-Heart of Gold Neil Young-Heart of Gold(1972) Heart of Gold I wanna live I wanna give I've been a miner for a heart of gold It's these expressions I never give that keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old Keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old I've been to Hollywood I've been to Redwood I'd cross the ocean for a heart of gold I've been in my mind It's suc..
Cat Stevens-Morning Has Broken, Peace Train Morning Has Broken Morning has broken, like the first morning Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird Praise for the singing, praise for the morning Praise for the springing fresh from the world 아침이 밝았습니다 태초의 아침처럼 검은 새가 울었습니다 태초의 새처럼 새의 노래를 찬양해요 아침이 온 것을 찬양해요 그들이 세상에..
Foster the People-Pumped Up Kicks..ACOUSTIC on SiriusXM Alt Nation Pumped Up Kicks Robert's got a quick hand Robert는 빠른 손을 가지고 있어 He'll look around the room, 그는 방을 둘러보겠지 He won't tell you his plan 그리고 뭘하려는진 알려주지 않겠지 He's got a rolled cigarette 그는 둥근 시가를 가지고 있지 hanging out of his mouth, 입에 시가를 물고 He's a cowboy kid 그는 cowboy kid 이지 ..
Owl City-Fireflies Fireflies You Would Not Believe Your Eyes 넌 네눈을 믿지못할거야 If Ten Million Fireflies 만일 천만마리의 반딧불이가 Light Up The World As I Fell Asleep 내가 잠드는 순간 세상을 밝혔다면 Cause They Fill The Open Air 왜냐면 그들은 텅빈 공기를 체우고 And Leave Teardrops Everywhere 그리고 눈물방울들을 모든곳에 떨어..
Stacy Kent -Corcovado, Que reste-t-il de nos amours ?" DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> Corcovado Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars, 밤은 고요하고, 별들도 고요해 quiet chords from my guitar -내 기타에서 울려퍼지는 은은한 화음 floating on the silence that surrounds us -우리를 감싸고돌아 떠다니는 평화로움 Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams -차분한 생각 그리고 ..
George Dalaras Στίχοι: Σταύρος Κουγιουμτζής Μουσική: Σταύρος Κουγιουμτζής Ερμηνευτές: Γιώργος Νταλάρας 헬라어가사 Όλα καλά κι όλα ωραία χτ..
Jason Mraz -I`m yours , I Won’t Give Up DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 제이슨 므라즈 - I'm yours Jason Mraz - I`m yours Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 그대가 내게로 왔고 내가 느꼈음을 당신도 알거에요 I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted 냉정해지려 해봤지만 그대가 너무 끝내줬기에 녹아내려버렸어요 I fell ..
Muse-Time is Running Out ,Dead Inside Muse-Time is Running Out Time is Running Out I think I'm drowning Asphyxiated I wanna break this spell That you've created You're something beautiful A contradiction I wanna play the game I want the friction You will be the death of me You will be the death of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it Our time is running out Our ti..
Bad Finger-Carry On Till Tomorrow Bad Finger-Carry on Till Tomorrow Carry on Till Tomorrow In younger days I told myself my life would be my own And I leave the place where the sunshine never shone for my life's too short for waiting when I see the rising sun when I know again that I must carry on carry on to till tomorrow there's no reason to get back carry on, carry on, carry on Long shadows of the cloud's a..
Debby Boone- You Light Up My Life Debby Boone- You Light Up My Life You Light Up My Life - Debby Boone You Light Up My Life (Lyrics) - Debbie Boone You Light Up My Life You light Up My Life So many nights I sit by my window Waiting for someone to sing me his song So many dreams I kept deep inside me Alone in the dark but now You've come along 난 수많은 밤동안 내게 노래를 불러줄 그 누군가를 ..