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Christina Aguilera - Reflection ,Beautiful Christina Aguilera - Reflection Reflection Look at me 날 봐요 You may think you see who I really am 당신은 날 정확히 안다고 생각할지 모르지만 But you'll never know me 그대는 절대로 절 이해할 수 없을걸요 Every day It's as if I play a part 날마다 전 연극을 하는 기분이에요 Now I see If I wear a mask 맞아요 전 가면을 쓰면..
Carol Kidd -When I Dream Carol Kidd -When I Dream When I Dream I could build a mansion that is higher than the trees 난 나무보다 더 높은 저택도 지을 수 가 있어요 I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please 내가 원하는 모든 선물을 애걸하지 않아도 받을 수 있어요 I could fly to Paris It's at my beck and call 난 파리로 날아 갈 수 도 있어요 ..
Adele-Skyfall Skyfall This is the end 이게 마지막이야 Hold your breath and count to ten 잠시 숨을 멈추고 열을 세어봐 Feel the Earth move and then 대지가 흔들릴만한 강렬함을 느낄때 Hear my heart burst again 내 심장이 다시 터지는 소리를 들어봐 For this is the end 이게 마지막이니까 I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment 난 이 순간에 ..
Celine Dion-That's The Way It Is Celine Dion-That's The Way It Is That's The Way It Is I can read your mind and I know your story 당신 마음을 읽을 수 있어요 당신 사연도 알죠 I see what you're going through 무엇을 겪고 있는지도 알고 있어요 It's an uphill climb and I'm feeling sorry 힘든 오르막길이죠 저도 가슴 아프지만 But I know it will come to you 당신에게..
Alice Cooper-You and Me Alice Cooper - You And Me You And Me When I get home from work 일과를 마치고 집에 돌아오면 wanna wrap myself around you 당신을 껴안고 싶어요 I wanna take you and squeeze you 열정이 솟아 오르기 시작할 때까지 till the passion starts to rise 당신을 데려다 껴안고 싶어요 I wanna take you to heaven that would 천국같은 기분을 느..
Westlife-Beyond The Sea , 'I Have a Dream' Westlife-Beyond The Sea Beyond The Sea Somewhere beyond the sea Somewhere waiting for me My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailing 저 바다건너편 어딘가에 어딘가에서 나를 기다릴거야 나 사랑 금빛모래사장에 서있네 그리고 항해하는 배를 바라보네 Somewhere beyond the sea She's there watching for me If I coul..
Stevie Wonder-Yester me, Yester you, Yester day ,I just called to say I love you Yester me, Yester you, Yester day What happened to the world we knew When we would dream and scheme And while the time away Yester-me yester-you yesterday 우리가 꿈꾸고 계획하던 때의 그 세상에 무슨 일이 일어났나요? 시간이 흘러가면서 나와 당신과 세월이 다 지나갔군요. Where did it go that yester glow When we could feel The wheel of ..
Vaya Con Dios-I Don't Want To Know Vaya Con Dios-I Don't Want To Know I Don't Want To Know You've seen him on the street today Heading for some sleaze cafe He wasn't alone He wasn't alone 당신은 오늘 길을 걷다가 건전하지 못한 찻집으로 향하는 그를 보았지요 그는 혼자가 아니었어요 혼자가 아니었어요.. Some beauty hung onto his arm I shouldn't need to be alarmed He's do..
Terry Jacks-Seasons In The Sun Terry Jacks-Seasons In The Sun Seasons in the sun goodbye to you my trusted friend 나의 믿음직스런 친구여 안녕 we've known each other since we were nine or ten 9살인가 10살 이후로 우린 서로 잘 알고 있지 together we've climbed hills and trees 언덕과 나무를 함께 오르기도 했고 learned of love and abc's 사랑과 글도 배웠지 skinned o..
Olivia Newton John-If Not For You Olivia Newton John-If Not For You If Not For You If not for you babe I couldn't even find the door 당신이 아니었으면 문도 못찾았을 거예요 I couldn't even see the floor 심지어는 바닥도 못찾았을 거예요 I'd be sad and blue If not for you 난 당신이 아니었음 슬프고 우울했을 거예요 If not for you babe the night would see me wide awake..
Prince - Purple Rain Purple Rain (퍼플 레인) I never meant 2 cause u any sorrow 당신에게 슬픔을 안겨 주려고 한게 아니었어요 I never meant 2 cause u any pain 당신에게 고통을 주려고 한게 아니었어요 I only wanted 2 one time see u laughing 난 그저 당신이 웃는 모습을 한번만이라도 보고 싶었을뿐 I only wanted 2 see u laughing in the purple ra..
Celine Dion-The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face Celine Dion-The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face        Celine Dion - The first time ever I saw your face    The first time ever I saw your face   The First Time ever I saw your faceI Thought the sun rose in your eyesAnd the moon and stars were the gift you gaveTo the dark and empty skies, my love,To the dark and empty skies. 당신의 모습을 처음 보았을때당신의 눈에서 태양이 떠오르는 것 같았어요.달과 별들 또한 당신이어둡고 텅빈 하늘에 준 선물 이었지요..
Adele -When We Were Young ,Rolling IN The Deep Adele -When We Were Young When We Were Young Everybody loves the things you do 모든 사람들은 당신이 하는 일을 사랑해요 From the way you talk 당신이 말하는 스타일부터 To the way you move 당신이 움직이는 방법까지 Everybody here is watching you 여기있는 모든 사람들이 당신을 바라보고 있어요 Cause you feel like home 왜냐..
Procol Harum-A Whiter Shade Of Pale Procol Harum-A Whiter Shade Of Pale A Whiter Shade Of Pale We skipped the light fandango Turned cartwheels cross the floor I was feeling kind of seasick The crowd called out for more 우리는 가벼운 판당고를 건너 뛰고 홀을 가로 질러 재주를 넘었어 난 멀미가 날 것 같았지만 사람들은 더 하라고 떠들어 댔어 The room was humming harder A..
Maroon5 -misery ,Moves Like Jagger misery Oh yeah Oh yeah So scared of breaking it 깨버리기엔 너무 겁이 났지만 That you won't let it bend 너는 구부려지게 내버려 두지 않았어 And I wrote two hundred letters I will never send 너에게 절대 부치지 않을 수백 통의 편지를 썼어 Sometimes these cuts are so much 때로는 보이는 것보다 Deeper then they seem 훨씬 더 깊..