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Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss me out of the beared barly 키스해 주세요, 보리 수염이 덥수록한 보리밭 밖에서 Nightly, beside the green grass 밤마다, 저 푸르고 푸른 잔디 옆에서 Swing, swing swing the spining step 빙빙 돌아가는 스텝에 맞춰 계속 손을 흔들어요 You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress 당..
Michael Bolton -When a Man Lovers a Womam Michael Bolton -When a Man Lovers a Womam When a Man Lovers a Womam When a man loves a woman Can't keep his mind on nothing else He'd trade the world For a good thing he's found. 남자가 사랑에 빠지면, 그 마음을 다른 어떤 곳으로도 돌릴 수가 없어요 그가 찾은 그녀를 위해 이 세상을 다 주고서라도 바꾸지요 If she is bad, he can't se..
Michael Bolton - How am I supposed to live without you ,Said I Loved You,But I Lied Michael Bolton - How am I supposed to live without you How am I supposed to live without you I could hardly believe it When I heard the news today I had to come and get it straight from you You said you were leavin' Someone swept your heart away From the look upon your face I see it's true 난 믿을 수가 없었어요 오늘 그 소식을 들었을 때 말이죠 손수 찾..
Slade - My Oh My Slade - My Oh My My Oh My I believe in woman, my oh my I believe in loving, my oh my Don't a woman need a man Try and catch one if you can I believe in woman, my oh my 나에겐 여인에 대한 믿음이 있어요 나에겐 사랑에 대한 믿음이 있어요 여인에게도 남자가 필요한 거 아닌가요 할 수 있다면 연인 한 사람 사귀어봐요 나에겐 ..
Krokus - Streamer Krokus - Streamer Streamer See the evening lights Day has gone,the stars begin to shine Shadows move so slow Holding for the forest further on Darkness and disgrace Silver moonlight's falling on your face But love you're not alone Turn on with me and try to keep this song I'm a streamer in the night I'm a streamer in the night I'm a streamer in the night I'm a streamer in the ..
Adele - Someone Like You Adele - Someone Like You Live Acoustic Live on QTV Someone Like You I heard that you're settled down 나는 네가 정착을 했다는 소식을 들었어 That you found a girl and you're married now 한 여자를 찾았고 네가 결혼을 했다는 걸 I heard that your dreams came true 너의 꿈이 이뤄졌단 얘길 들었어 Guess she gave you things I didn't give to yo..
James Blunt - You're Beautiful James Blunt - You're Beautiful Live Austin City You're Beautiful My life is brilliant. My love is pure. I saw an angel. Of that I'm sure. 내인생은 멋있지 내사랑은 소중해 천사를 보았어 그건 정말이야 She smiled at me on the subway. She was with another man. But I won't lose no sleep on that, 'Cause I've got a plan. 그녀가 지하철에서 나를 보..
Lacy J.Dalton-Stay With Me Lacy J.Dalton-Stay With Me Stay With Me I want you to know That I love you and need you and want you A million times more Than anyone that I’ve known before 난 당신이 알기를 원해요... 내가 당신을 얼마나 사랑하는지 내가 당신을 얼마나 필요로 하는지 그리고 내가 전에 알던 사람들보다 당신을 얼마나 많이 원하는지를 .....
Gloria Gaynor-I Will Survive Gloria Gaynor Gloria Gaynor-I Will Survive I Will Survive At first I was afraid I was petrified 처음엔 난 두려웠어요 너무도 끔직했어요 Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side 당신이 내 옆에 없다면 절대 살 수 없을거라고 생각했어요 But then I spent so many nights 하지만 그리고나서 수많은 밤을 보냈어요 Think..
The J.Geils Band - Centerfold The J.Geils Band - Centerfold Centerfold Does she walk? Does she talk? Does she come complete?my homerom homeroom angel Always pulled me from my seat She was pure like snowflakes No one could ever stain The memory of my angel Could never cause me pain Years go by I'm lookin' through a girly magazine And there's my homeroom angel on the pages in-between 어디서 걷고 어디..
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train ,Road to Nowhere Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train Crazy Train All aboard! 모두 승차하세요 Crazy but that's how it goes 광란의 세상, 하지만 그게 세상살이지 Millions of people living as foes 수백만의 사람들이 적이 되어 살고 있어 Maybe it's not to late 아직 늦지 않았을지도 몰라 to learn how to love 사랑하는 법을 배우고 And forget how to hate ..
Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem ,Over the hills and far away Dead Boy's Poem Born from silence, silence full of it A perfect concert, my best friend So much to live for, so much to die for If only my heart had a home 정적, 완전한 고요함에서 태어난 완벽한 콘서트이자 나의 절친한 친구.. 삶의 목적도 많고, 삶을 내던질 만큼 소중한 것들도 많죠. 내가 마음 둘 곳이 있기만 했더라면.. ..
Mr.Big - Green-Tinted Sixties Mind, Wild World ' target=_blank> Back to Budokan 2009. Vocals: Eric Martin Bass Guitar: Billy Sheehan Guitar: Paul Gilbert Drums: Pat Torpey Live 2011. Green-Tinted Sixties Mind She just woke up, but she's still tired Is that the telephone ringing? The curtains can't hold back the light That's reaching into her dreams Down in her heart If it had fingers, it'd be tearing it apart 그녀는 막..
Gotthard - You Gotthard - You You Something's Wrong, Doctor Please Got A Strange Heart Disease And I Desperately Need To Get Over This Temptation 의사를 불러줘요. 뭔가 이상해요 이상한 심장병에 걸렸어요 이 유혹을 제발 떨쳐버리고 싶어요 There She Stands Day By Day And My Life Turns Away It Was Love At The First Sight And I Know This Won't Come Easy 그녀..
Gazebo - I Like Chopin Gazebo - I Like Chopin I Like Chopin Remember that piano so delightful unusual That classic sensation sentimental confusion Used to say 'I like Chopin' Love me now and again Rainy days never say goodbye To desire when we are together Rainy days growing in your eyes Tell me where's our way 흥겹고 독특했던 그 피아노 연주를 기억하나요 그 고전적인 감흥과..